How to Hide Apps on Android without Installing a Hider App

How to Hide Apps on Android without Installing a Hider App - Hello, in this tutorial, I am going to share about how to hide apps on Android without installing a hider app. Everyone who uses smartphone has privacy in their phone. You have a secret conversation, note, document, images, that are saved in some apps. Do not let other people get access to it . To make other people won't see it, you have to hide your apps that you think it is important and only you the one who can see and access it.

To hide your apps on your phone, there are many apps on Play Store that you can download for free. But the problem is, when we want to access our hided-apps, we need to open the hider app first that we just downloaded from Play Store. So, in this chance, I will show you how to hide your apps using android feature so we don't need to download any hider apps from play store because we will use the feature that the Android has. By the way, don't you know that android already has a feature for hiding apps?

Yes, Android developers already provide a hider feature in their product to increase the safety of the user. Several of you might don't know yet that actually android has this. Meanwhile I could say that it is been a long time feature. Also, to hide the apps, this feature is really easy to use. So, here is the complete way of How to Hide Apps on Android without Installing a Hider App below:

1. First of all you go to home screen and you wipe the screen with two fingers. Then you will see a screen settings and you tap on it.

2. Then you will see several options. Look for Hide Apps option and you tap on it.

3. Now, you will see all your apps list. Then you give checklist for each app that you want to hide. For example, in this case I am going to hide Whatsapp. Then you tap OK or Save.

4. Then, the apps that you have checked will not appear on home screen or menu. To get access the apps that you have hided, you just do the same step above and then you uncheck the same app and save it. So easy right?

Sorry for the language. This phone is using Malay/Indonesian. You can adjust it with English. Hope it would not confusing you. 
That's all the tutorial of How to Hide Apps on Android without Installing a Hider App. I hope you guys like and give thumbs up for this tutorial. Also don't forget to share and see for another related tutorials bellow. Thank You!

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